Homologs Overview

Homologous genes demonstrate high sequence similarity and can demonstrate similarity in function. Homologous sequences (genes) can be divided into two groups: Orthologs and Paralogs. Homologous sequences (genes) in two different species originating from a common ancestor are know as Orthologs. Duplication of a homologous sequence in a given species results in Paralogous sequences with a different chromosomal location.

The Homolog tab in the PhenoGen website allows you to obtain information regarding chromosomal locations, for genes in a given gene list, in other genomes. For example, you can obtain the chromosomal location for a list of different genes in the mouse genome as well as the chromosomal location for the known homologous genes in the rat and human genomes.

Viewing Homologs

  1. Choose Genes List Analysis Tools in the main menu.
  2. Click Analyze a gene list. A page displays the gene lists to which you have access.
  3. Click the gene list for which you want to view homologs.
  4. Click the Homolog tab. The Homologous Genes page displays a table that shows:
  5. Click a link in any cell to open the website for your selection.
  6. Click the Download icon to download the information in the table.